Music Stuff
gear talk and general music related stuff
last update: Nov. 29, 2024

Copyright 2009-25 by H. Gragger. All Rights Reserved. All information provided herein is destined for educational and D.I.Y. purposes only. Commercial re-sale, distribution or usage of artwork without explicit written permission of the author is strictly prohibited. The original units  with their associated  trade-names are subject to the copyright of the individual copyright owner. The Author is by no means affiliated with any of those companies. References to trade names are made for educational purposes only. By reading the information provided here you agree to the Terms of Use. The working language is kept in English as an aid. Read here why.


Take Me To The News!
Steel Guitars
General Music Reproduction
Home Recording and DAWs
Stompboxes And Amps
Paraphernalia, Subcircuits And Supporting Gear
Temporarily Suspended Or Incomplete Builds
Links to Stompbox and Guitar Sites
GAS-gear acquiring syndrome

Gear addiction is a serious malady.
Please consult professional help before you rush into wasting money.

Read supplied information carefully and then, by all means, brew your own!

" If you want to understand a subject thoroughly, start teaching on it.
This will reveal your blind spots of what you thought you understand..."

- ancient instant wisdom, author unknown

"As one might expect, there is very little new in electronics, at least in analog circuitry. (...) Sometimes the innovators try to make their transfer of known electronics methodology from one discipline to this one seem revolutionary. The revolution is not actually the technology, but rather its revelation to the rest of the world."

- Kevin O´Connor: The Ultimate Tone Vol 4, Power Press Publishing, Thunder Bay, CN, 2006, p. 4-15f 

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Steel Guitars

led Making The Pedal Steel Guitar Fit (For) A Volume Pedal
Don´t Compromise For Playability

led Multi-FX Device Used As Fancy Volume Pedal For Steel Guitar
Get All Common SG Effects Into The Bargain

led Volume Pedals And Steel Guitars (original article 2011)
Getting tone right for the steel guitar

led D.I.Y. Six String Electric Lapsteel
presenting... The Aquataur Pioneer Model

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General Music Reproduction
led Aune X5s Review - Sort Of
And how to optimize file organisation on the SD card and display META tag information

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Home Recording and DAWs
led Level Rodeo
A step-by-step approach to fixing level problems early in the mixing process (with compression)

led Speaker Driver Emulation With Shaped Noise
using a DAW, white noise, parametric EQ and a spectrum analyzer plugin

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led Compression Indicator For The Engineer's Thumb
"Above Threshold" Indicator Adapted For Single Supply From A THAT Co. Design

led Grübelzwang Overdrive
A Take On The Take On The Fulltone OCD (And Some New Findings)

led How I Made A Blind Man See
And Other Healings Into The Bargain
(How I helped a handicapped guitar player with simple mods)

led Stetsbar Tremolo For Stratocaster: Installation Report
A Critical Look At The Bigger Picture

led Ibanez ATK (300 Series) Bass: Pickup Selector Switch Mod
Activating The Idle Bridge (Single-) Coil Sound

led G&L L-2000 Modding Study
A Study On Extended Pickup Configurations And Voicing

led Taking the Stratocaster to new highs (literally - pun intended)
Vintage Sound without obsolete compromises

led Remagnetizing Horseshoe Pickup Magnets
using a magnetic base

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Stompboxes And Amps

led The Stompbox Gallery
Musical widgets, gadgets and other assorted gizmotrons I have built

led A Look At Filter Preamps: Do You Need one?
Revoicing A Bass Pickup With The Exemplary Usage Of PassinWind PW3B-LPF

led FREQBOOST: An Adaptation of C. Anderton's Frequency Boost
Optimized to add a 400 Hz "Sting" to the SRB-EQ

led The Sting Ray Bass - EQ (SRB-EQ)
A reliable wrapper around a (2-control pre-EB) MM Stingray Bass type pre-amp

led The ACCESS Fuzz a.k.a. AXIS Fuzz
Biasing And Tricks For "Stage Tone"

led Increasing The Experience With PedalPCB´s Photon Vibe
A Lovepedal Vibronaut Clone - Setup Procedure And Customization

led Son Of R.O.G. Thunderbird
Add Bassman and JTM-45 to an already very versatile, authentic Plexi emulator

led EQWHA-2  Reverse Engineered And Pimped
Making A State Of The Art Wah Out Of A Surplus Tinkerer´s Object               

led Clyde Deluxe Wah: Perfect Or Leeway For Improvement?
Adding Controlled Impedance Buffers To A Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah           

led Butterscotch Fuzz
A buttery sweet and fuzzy sixties overdrive that covers anything from Jimi to Jimmy

led Exquisite Electric Filth
Silicon Tone Bender Mark III / Buzzaround And How To Fix Notorious Biasing Issues

led The ´Zoid Face a.k.a. Schizoid Face
An enhancement of a pinkjimiphoton designed versatile silicon fuzz face    

led Peavey Bandit Mods
Add LED annunciation into the bargain for a silver face model.

led Colorsound DipthonizerTM - LM13700 fueled
This rare but underestimated circuit adapted for LM13x00 OTA´s, with extensions for Expression Pedal control and S/H á la FSH-1

led Maestro FSH1 a.k.a. Madbean Sharkfin on the bench
A look at the LFO and sample&hold section and a fix for the noise generator

led Overdrive Special (UMBLE by R.O.G.)
A stompbox tribute to xUmble  type Amps w/SAG

led The Poker Face - a no-compromise fuzz face
A fuzz face implementation with vintage sound but modern attributes

led Sustaining the Experience
Controllable feedback and sustain for the guitar with the Sustainiac® model-C

led Digesting the Great Cheddar
How to make the Big Cheese most tasty

led The Fuzz Ride - a tribute to the Fuzz Rite© 
A Fuzz Rite implementation with vintage sound but modern attributes

led The Scrambler 
Building the long discontinued sought after Ampeg© Scrambler

led The FOXXTONE a.k.a. Experience Octave Fuzz
A swell building report

led The Tone Queen
More Eclectic Than A King... A Queen!

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Paraphernalia, Subcircuits And Supporting Gear

led Pickup Simulation With An Audio Transformer
Is It Necessary For Driving A Fuzz Face With A Buffer?

led A Sonic Wrapper Around A Vintage Pedal
Getting That Vintage Tone -  In Any Sequence...

led The Shallows Of 4P3T
A List Of On-On-On Switches And Their Quirks

led Enhanced Stompbox Polarity and Fault Protection
Sense or nonsense of popular protection schemes

led A Word on Buffering
Guaranteeing good neighbour relations

led Op-amp And Diode Clipping Stages Revisited
A look at op-amps, diodes and distortion mechanisms in the lights of a few commercial pedals

led The Eight Legged Spyder
A cost-effective power supply for effects devices, delivers 8 x 9Vdc@100mA, transformer-
based and galvanically isolated.

led 112 Detuned Guitar Cabinet
an oversized 1x12 cabinet with the detuned approach

led 110 Detuned Guitar Cabinet
a "detuned" 1x10 cabinet with tilt-back legs and built-in recording interface 

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Links To Stompbox And Guitar Sites

This is a list of links that contain friends´ sites and friendly sites dedicated to DIY guitar effects. It is by no means complete yet and the folks there maintain a more complete list of links. The links appear in no specific order and the list is frequently updated.

pinkjimiphoton´youtube channel

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