The ACCESS Fuzz a.k.a. AXIS Fuzz
Biasing And Tricks For "Stage Tone"
last update: Apr 28, 2022

Copyright 2020-25 by H. Gragger. All Rights Reserved. All information provided herein is destined for educational and D.I.Y. purposes only. Commercial re-sale, distribution or usage of artwork without explicit written permission of the author is strictly prohibited.The original units  with their associated  trade-names are subject to the copyright of the individual copyright owner. The Author is by no means affiliated with any of those companies. References to trade names are made for educational purposes only.By reading the information provided here you agree to the Terms of Use. The working language is kept in English as an aid. Read here why.

The Decade Of The Sleeping Beauty
Jimi´s Legacy (Or Spell)
Stage Sound - In Bedroom Studios?
Experience With The Axis Fuzz
Worthwile Additions

R.M. Axis Fuzz clone
The Access Fuzz (click to enlarge). An R.M. Axis Fuzz work-a-like.

I added a tone control similar to the Page-1. This is stock in all current Voodoo series models marketed lately by R.M.

According to an obstinate urban legend used by Jimi Hendrix in the later years to avoid problems associated with GE circuits and RF interference.

Using it immediately evokes strong Hendrix memories, but unfortunately things work differently if you don´t play through a roaring Marshall stack but rather trough a fairly clean amp at neighbor-,  family- and ear-friendly bedroom levels. You inevitably have to compensate for that somehow in order to achieve a comparable tone.

This pages should help you to get your build of the Axis Fuzz going.

Foreword To The 2024 Update

This unit comes up in magazines and musician's forae again and again, being touted as the holy grail for Hendrix Tone. The circuit is well known and primitive to make, however I never got to sound it to my like. Hearing customs change over time.

Over the years I gained some humble mastership in biasing a Fuzz Face correctly (and by this I am of one mind with Björn Juhl in that it should be biased to clip symmetrically), but I never got the Axis Fuzz to bias this way. It always clips the top lobes heavily, while the bottom lobes go unharmed. Some may like it this way, but I do not.

Unfortunately, this thing has nothing in common with a Fuzz Face technically, so all biasing measures borrowed from that failed catastrophically. Frustrated by this, I bit the bullet and analyzed the schematic.

There are a few things that turned out that I have seen being addressed elsewhere.
I add the update towards the end of this writing. Be prepared that some judgements made years ago are downright contradictive to the current insights. I decided to leave that as is for clearance.

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The Decade Of The Sleeping Beauty

I have built this circuit more than a decade ago and found it to be very sputtery and farting. The second transistor always seemed biased way too high so that there was never a clear signal coming through. Despite all transistor swapping I never seemed to get this one working. I was already considering re-using the aluminium case for another project.

It was lying dormant for over a decade (look at the time stamp on the picture), but recently I saw videos of guys using it and was intrigued again. I finally got it working and found some tricks that really make it shine, which I am glad to share with you.

The Axis Fuzz does not have the typical woolly Fuzz Face rasp, it is rather screaming. It has something which I only by exaggeration managed to identify as spurious octave effect, which in small doses adds what makes this unit special.

The term "fuzz" is actually misleading by today´s nomenclature, since it suggests a typical Fuzz Face architecture, which it has not. Both nevertheless have a lot of sonic territory in common.

More than any fuzz I have it is a unit that goes ultimately clean at low guitar volume settings, but it gets beautifully raucous with picking dynamics.

This unit is heavily geared towards treble boost to counteract some problems that no longer exist, so unaltered, it were for my purposes virtually unusable.

Luckily, those problems were very easy to solve. It has become my new favorite fuzz unit - for a while...

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Jimi´s Legacy (Or Spell)

It is fact (R.M. himself has said that) that there have been constant modifications to the devices sculpting Jimi´s tone.
Despite the reduced technical potential of the time, he may still have used HP and LP filters and buffers as needed in the studio, even if it may just have been a cable with high capacity for that high-cut or a different capacitor on the input to cut bass that went without mention.

We do not know what was buffered, why some of his Fuzzes worked "the impossible way" before or after a wah and so on.
R.M. surely did not have any preconceptions about things if they worked, however y
ou can rest assured that he does not reveal all tricks. This kind of secretive policy is starting to make me tired, particularly if it is used to fuel hype and sales numbers at the expense of the customer.

On the end of the day, we have to state we do not know what was inside those cast-iron shells. I thus strongly encourage the kind reader to experiment with those things free of prejudice and dogma. Hendrix by the way was one who was highly unorthodox  musically and technically.

Be as unorthodox as Jimi when it comes to experimentation
with technology and music.

Listening to the recordings over time it can be taken for granted that there has been some change in the fuzz tone´s timbre.
I do not hear the wholly tone of germanium on later recordings, which coincides with what is being spread - a change to silicon, de facto meaning a change to the Axis Fuzz. I can feel that.

I think we can safely agree that R.M. understood that all Fuzz Faces suffer from low input impedance, and that he knew how to remedy that. We can thus further conclude that the wah into Fuzz Face problem can be (and has obviously been) solved (by simple measures) and obviously without ruining tone; visual and tonal evidence clearly documents that. So this alone would not be a reason for people to adhere to vintage at all cost. In fact it astounds me to see how many people still fall for the age-old Fuzz Face conundrum after so many years of technical elucidation.
It is obvious that Hendrix chose the Axis Fuzz for reasons that were beyond mere technical improvements.
Nobody ever mentions that  a musician / technician of that time permanently had to fight diverse technical circumstances and that devices like the Axis Fuzz (that already were an evolution of predating effects) had to compensate for.

If you use such devices in a contemporary rig (that is no longer plagued by those shortcomings), unaware of the origins of those properties, then you will inevitable end up with a tone that is unrelated to what you expect.

Knowledge is power. Know thy rig.

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Stage Sound - In Bedroom Studios?

Vintage fuzzes generally benefit from some l.f. tailoring, it thus comes in handy that I have a bass cut switch on the guitar.
Fuzzes clean up tremendously if the bass into them is restricted. Indeed I do not hear a lot of l.f. content in Hendrix´ guitar recordings.

Those myriads of pedals may sound suspiciously like Grandmaster Jimi´s tone but they have to be used with a simulator that emulates a cooking tube amp if used in conjunction with an amp that is running fairly clean and at bedroom levels. In all instances you have to balance the high end somehow, and be sure, this was addressed back then and you have to address that too.

One of the most famous pitfalls is the fact, that you want to hear the full (bass) range predominantly if you are playing alone to avoid thin tone. The ear´s hearing curve at low sound pressure is part of the problem. When playing in a band context, bass quickly gets in the way, so mid range boosters have been invented for a reason.

Bass content early in the line of effects is a different beast, because it overloads the distortion units. Besides that, overdrives tend to create artificial sub-harmonics that enhance bass anyway. Keep that in mind before reaching for any early dial to bring up bass. However, you may make up for this on the amp to your heart´s content.

Avoid the temptation to dial in bass early down the line of effects.
Compensate on the amp if you sense a lack of bass.

People complain that their fuzz sounds flat horrible into their rig. Yes it will if you have a bright amp tone to begin with. Early full range (tube) amps were pretty dark sounding before subsequent models were voiced to current taste. And those amps were running full throttle, introducing additional sound shaping effects like distortion and compression.

Approximating Jimi´s stage sound in your bedroom is eminently possible.
Bass and treble tailored where necessary and a subsequent overdrive mimicking a tube amp at full throttle will get you far.

One thing we must not forget is cables. Those used to have a horrendous (by today's standards anyway) capacity which killed all treble flat. Hence the urge to regain treble by applying treble boosts.

Both Fuzz Face and Axis Fuzz (momentarily disregarding misbiased units) have been found to sound lousy in certain configurations, and yes, this is down to the before mentioned facts to a great extent. Several musician's forae are full of complaints that the Axis Fuzz sounds unbearably shrill unless followed by a cooking tube amp that masks all it.

This all is totally avoidable. Later versions of the R.M. effects (Voodoo series) have undergone some improvements that address those problems partially.  We will look at that later and resolve the rest in a wash...

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Experience With The Axis Fuzz

I made a few general observations with my unit that I want to share with you:
  • This unit is very temperamental. You have to play with the settings to find the sweet spot more than any other unit. It is not plug-and-play so to speak.
  • It is by far the most expressive fuzz unit I have.
  • I have heard people saying that it is problematic with humbuckers. I can comprehend that, since they have more power in the low registers and compression. I have bass cut dials on all of my guitars. Even a small amount of bass cut will make the Axis Fuzz shine. This makes me believe that R.M. has taken subtle measures to keeps Jimi´s bass content low.
  • The effect has a strong hint of an octaver. This gets more intense with higher gain and higher bass content.
  • Use a treble cut afterwards. I recommend to retrofit a BMP-style control as recommended further down here.
  • Vintage (coily) cables used to have a high capacity - in the order of several nF. It is no coincidence that a schematic recommended 4.7nF as input load capacitor (where normally 470pF goes - to filter out RF). Experiment with that. I found it unnecessary with my rig and maybe a load (literally) in other circumstances. See what Björn Juhl has to say about that (in the Reference).
  • On the other hand, such a cable will make dimed tones sound muffled and lead tones trebly - the contrary of what you want. You do not hear that on the recordings. What else conceals R.M. from us? This clearly speaks for a buffer.
  • Emulate a 60ies gear environment to iron out some of its sharpness,  if you want to go the 60ies rock way. I have made a cute write-up in my silicon tone bender article that shows you how to do this.
  • Remove excessive treble: the Axis Fuzz has deliberately (why is explained in the above link) some treble boost built into. Remove the 100nF cap on the drive pot and add the 220k / 1nF R/C. Beware: not 220 Ohms!
    Obsolete. The resistor made no difference. Omit.
  • I tried adding "Miller" caps to the transistors, 47pF, 100pF - no effect, but unnecessary with before mentioned measures.
  • Cut treble on your guitar.
  • The Axis Fuzz is not as benign with (preceding) wahs as a germanium Fuzz Face, probably due to his temperament. The sweep does not get through as cleanly, but there is no technical incompatiblities.
  • This device is geared towards treble boost in more than one place. It seems that this was R.M.'s answer to long coiled or other high capacity cables and / or dark British amplifiers of the time. It appears also fairly mid-deficient or at least flat.
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This circuit is all about biasing, while being less touchy than a fuzz face (where everything interacts with everything).
I had to work myself through a heap of forum threads to find the answer. This is a shortcut for you.

Several sources (re-) quote that an original unit measures the following voltages (Vbat= 9.15V)

2N3906          2N3904
C- 3.20           C- 5.86

B- 3.64           B-  3.25
E- 4.34           E- 2.68
Original hfe values are (allegedly) around 200. Use with discretion.
I started out with the following transistors:
Q1= 2N3906, hfe = 170
Q2= 2N3904, hfe = 200
All voltage readings were way out. The unit sounded horrible.
According to the recommendations (see links at the bottom) I tried the following:
  • Biased Q1 by changing the voltage ladder resistors. Helped for Q1 but not Q2. Reverted to original.
  • I varied collector resistor Q2 - works! set Q2 base to 3.2V, all other values fall in place except collector, still a bit low.
  • I used a BC549C (hfe not measured, but certainly higher): improves slightly. Tried other BC549C specimen from same batch, no difference.
  • Changed Q2 emitter bypass electrolytic to a smaller value - sound becomes thin.
  • RC on the base of Q2 is used, but with a 220k resistor. There is indications that the 220R is a value that has been traded wrongly. See above.
  • Removed 100nF on the drive pot, tone becomes shrill. Only recommended on very dark amps. This provides an always-on treble boost, independent of the drive pot setting. Probably owing the inclination towards treble boost.
The unit now sounds perfect.

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Worthwhile Additions

As mentioned above, the Axis Fuzz is geared towards treble boost. R.M. lateron elegantly introduced some adjustability by adding a BMP (Big Muff Pi) style tone control onto his Voodoo series (amongst other small features I do not consider essential). He calls the knob Fatness. The values applied in those units are comparable to the ones used in the Page-1 unit (see Reference), which lets us safely assume that they are used in all Voodoo series pedals.

BMP tonestack
Trace from BMP tone stack variant as used in R.M. Voodoo pedals. (click to enlarge).

The schematics can be found on the internet: Page-1, or Voodoo Axe (links see Reference)

So by the looks this is also part of current Voodoo series models marketed lately by R.M.

Note that standard BMP controls suffer from a substantial mid-dip
(see Reference), which this one does not. It is practically flat (the third trace). Many options with a single control - thumbs up R.M.!

The BMP stack "eats" away some signal, but fortunately the Axis Fuzz has no shortage thereof.

As you see, on the maximum bass setting there is little damping to treble. Accordingly, tone gets "fatter" towards the bass side, without sacrificing treble, hence the name fatness control. According to the yin-yang of tone an increase of bass is perceived  as a decrease of treble. Again we see R.M.'s attempt to fight against treble sucking.

As mentioned earlier, I have removed the 100nF cap in parallel to the drive pot, which is a treble booster par excellance.
With this BMP style control you have about unity gain when the knob is at 9 o'clock (trace #2-3). We can see that there is little treble damping above. Also, the "pivot point" is pretty high compared to a conventional BMP. This al is deliberately chosen so by R.M.

We could revert the tonestack to a more conventional BMP stack style, even without the mid-scoop (see amzfx in the Reference section), but a BMP stack is always just a yin-yang to an extent.

For my taste treble is still a bit high compared to my other effects. A 2.2 nF cap in parallel to the feedback resistor (22 k) makes a treble roll-off at 3.3 kHz, which seems to complement the fatness control nicely.

Unfortunately, this type of control was not invented before some decades after Hendrix, it may have helped them to save a lot of grief. It is very effective and simple. It simply inserts between the output cap and the volume control, so it is an easy,  inexpensive and rewarding retrofit to existing units.

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2024 Update: Circuit Analysis

  • to have a common reference, all component designators refer to the schematic I drew for simulation in the reference section. I omitted some components that were not relevant for the analysis.
  • All voltage references made in the schematic are derived from a 9.0V supply.
  • For clarity, the PNP has been redrawn in a negative potential down down fashion, as different to the common drawings.
  • Pots are shown as fixed resistors.

Input biasing network

Folks have been wondering if the stacked resistors R3 and R6 (180k and 820k) can be replaced by a 1M. Read on.
For DC purposes (and that's what we are concerned of for setting the bias), VCC and GND (via Cv3) are low impedance rails. No DC current will pass the electrolytic, so for DC it is of no concern. The two resistors can be treated like a 1M.

The voltage set by this divider (assumed a perfect 9V supply) will be 3.6V.
For calculating the input impedance (disregarding T1's influence) however we are concerned about AC, so the junction of Cv3 and R6 is a zero impedance node. Input impedance thus calculates by paralleling R6 and R8 to 370k. By yesteryear's standards a high impedance.

So again, what are the electrolytic and the split resistor good for? For quietening the bias node voltage.  Keep in mind that this was designed in an era where every engineer had grown up with valve circuits. In those, every preceding stage required some additional power supply (R/C) filtering to avoid low-frequency oscillations (motor-boating). Bingo. That's what this is: a filter for the DC used for biasing.

Throughout the course of this analysis we will see that this circuit resembles a lot a non-inverting OPA stage as is state of the art today. Bias is usually set at half-supply - and filtered heavily!

First Transistor Stage

T1 gain is dominated by the emitter and collector resistors R4 and R9. Gain thus calculates by their ratio R9/R4=450.
This of course is wishful thinking because the (vintage) transistor can never live up to that, but it will try.

T1 (a PNP) in order to run will need a positive potential on the emitter and a negative one the collector. You may have to stretch your imagination a little, because you may be used to looking at NPN circuits.

First, we look at steady conditions. Let's assume the drive pot (R1) be zero (=low gain).
Cv3 is grounded and thus Cc1 with it. The output feed back resistor R7 conveys a potential that after the R7/Cv3 low pass contains nothing but DC. The node is called "TP1" in the schematic.

We can now assess the  voltages around T1.
The base is set to 3.6V as determined above. The emitter (if T1 is turned on fully) will be some 0.7V different. In this case at 4.3V. We can assess the load current by applying Ohm's law to R9 - ca. 50µA. This is so low that it is to be bedoubted that T1 is turned on fully, but let's assume.

We can only estimate its collector potential. For a fully turned on small signal transistor we can expect Vce,sat (collector-emitter saturation voltage) to be around 0.1V, but measurements show a 200mV difference.

The collector thus resides at 3.8V.
R4 provides some local feedback and at TP1 we may expect practically the same voltage as at the emitter. Let's assume a small voltage drop of 0.1V and TP1 will be at 4.4V.

Second Transistor Stage

(Ignore the pesky R/C combination at the base of T2 for the moment. We will come back to that later. It is of no concern to DC conditions anyway.)

T2's base is at T1 collector potential: 3.8V.
We can expect the emitter (provided T2 is turned on fully) to be at 3.1V. That said, measurements show that it is not turned on fully. The emitter resides at 3.3V.

Likewise, Vce,sat for this transistor will be larger than expected too. Measurement tells us that it idles at 5.1V.

Emitter- and Collector resistors are fairly large for a contemporary taste, and accordingly the current will be very small.
I do not know why the design criteria were chosen this way.

Collector resistors R2 and R5 can be treated as one as far as a collector load goes. They are split only to achieve a fixed volume reduction to provide sensical voltage values to the volume pot. This was quite common for those circuits.

So the amplification factor we can expect is roughly 32k/39k. This would even amount to a small attentuation, but close to unity. However, R10 (the emitter resistor) is fully bypassed, so T2 will try to amplify as much as its hfe allows for.

The voltage variation on T2's collector is fed back to TP1 via R7 and filtered by Cv2.

Applying A Input Signal

A positive going voltage at the base of T1 (designated by an up-going arrow) will cause a voltage change of equal direction on the emitter and a change of downwards direction on the collector. (NB: not of same magnitude!)

For T2, a downwards going voltage change on the base will cause a change of equal direction, which in turn will cause its collector to rise.

A rising input will thus yield a rising output. If this were an operational amplifier (OPA), we would call the input a non inverting input.

Since the collector of T2 is connected to TP1 via R7, any voltage fed back to T1 (and this will be largely magnified by now) going the same direction will turn on T1 harder, which will pull up the emitter potential and with it the collector potential, until an equilibrium is reached where this process stops.

Huh, that reminds of an operational amplifier! Indeed, this little circuit turns out to be far more crafty than just meets the eye.
I remember somebody else having discovered this similarity before.
TP1 then will be the inverting input.

Common OPA Tricks

Having discovered that secret, we can look at some of its internals with a different eye.
Like the R11/C2 filter that has been the cause for endless scratching-of-heads.

Look at any OPA's internal structure, particularly if it has to be externally compensated: there is a frequeny limiting capacitor somewhere in the middle. Bingo. A Zobel network to determine open loop frequency range.

So, the 220R resistor will be right - setting a crossover at some 700kHz.

That said, looking at the scope with it in reveals some bizarre transits. I decided to leave it away. As with OPA's, a lot depends on layout, if you are talking about high frequencies far out of the audio realm.

Similar accounts for the above mentioned input network filter.

The Network Around The Drive Pot

For our self-knitted OPA, there is a feedback resistor and there ought to be a ground-bound variable resistor to set the gain.
A large feedback resistor means little feedback and thus large gain, a small feedback resistor means heavy feedback and little gain. Logically, a small ground-leg resistor (approaching zero) thus will mean large gain, a large ground-leg resistor will mean heavy feedback and little gain. Just as the drive pot works.

As briefly mentioned above, when R1=0 Cv2 is grounded and all frequencies will be shunted to AC ground.
When R1=max, Cv2 gradually begins to be in series with Cc1, meaning the capacity will (by series connection to Cc1) approach a lower value, eventually reaching Cc1. This now will have a corner frequency of some 640 Hz.

So lower gain settings will encounter some low-mid frequency boost. Let's call it preference.

This is not quite logical since the unit would benefit from a bass cut at higher gain settings, where it is full-range.

Actual Measurements

As expected, the Vce,sat values were not as assessed due to the small currents. Even T2 seems to not turn on completely.
At least one knows where to tweak what now.


As mentioned, the circuit limits asymmetrically. It looks like it is biased too high, idling at some 5V at c-T2.
What comes to mind first is lowering R8 (680k). Overdoing it here however can create some signal inversion, where the cut lobes are suddenly going the other way. Common for some OPAs.

If I decrease R8 too much in pursuit of a lower T2 bias point, a large input signal has tendency to cause the output to latch up briefly, a behavior typical for some OPA types.
I settled for 560k.

Changing the usual suspects like T2 emitter or collector resistors did not improve symmetry, but what did work was changing T1's emitter resistor. Raising it to 150k helped a lot.

As a counter-measure, R4 (220R) was raised to 470R to maintain a comparable gain structure.

This helps symmetry a lot - and makes the fuzz far more pleasant. It still needs IMHO some bass cut beforehand (I have such a control on all of my guitars).

As mentioned by others elsewhere, replacing the 47k feedback resistor with a 22k improves the sound.

As criticized frequently, the fuzz is fairly trebly. So, borrowing from our OPA equivalent, we short-circuit some treble around the feedback loop with a capacitor. A 1.8nF to 2.2 nF across the 22k was used as a starting point.

Concluding Remarks

In the early transistor days, when this unit was developed, there was no tolerance for wasting of linear dynamic range and non symmetry. If the rumor is true that R.M. took the circuit from a studio console's input, then it would have a lousy headroom if it were (mis-) biased the way we encounter the current units. No engineer would have dreamed of deliberately non symmetric clipping, when the musicians asked for a unit to mimic a power amp's tube output stage at full throttle. Very often, such a device was initially sought to boost the amplifier into the stratosphere, serving as a linear booster, and it was a welcome side-effect that it was introducing some distortion itself.

I can imagine that the musicians of the time were tearing their hair from failing germanium Fuzz Faces, or ones with tone deteriorating in the middle of a performance, becoming sputtery and farting out. It was only later that some genres deemed that to be musical and desirable.

Today, I prefer a silicon Fuzz Face any time over a germanium one, and maybe Jimi would have been very happy if he had such a unit, but it can be safely assumed that they did not get decent units going in this short time window.

So I flat refuse to believe that non symmetric clipping was a deliberate design consideration. It was meant to be symmetric, or if you wish, it was meant to have its bias point somewhere else. Maybe the hfe's of today's transistors are too high.

Although the device sounds much better now with the aforementioned mods, there is something in the bass range I find unattractive. 
It sounds exactly like the units showcased on the internet, so this must be an inherent property.

I cannot recall hearing this funny bass buzz tone on any of 
Jimi's recordings, which makes me wonder, if Roger Mayer is withholding some facts. To an extent, this would be understandable, but he could have eliminated some guess work a long time ago.

Maybe one day this secretiveness, egocentric aggregation of knowledge and greed has an end, I sincerely do hope so.

One of these secrets (well, it is actually in plain sight) is that Jimi was using coiled  cables with horrendous capacity. This tames the shrillness quite a bit. Try 1.5 nF across the output and hear.

Another one is that you need some sort of bass cut. Did
Jimi's guitar have a bass cut built in? Were his pickups particularly bass-deficient? Without a bass cut the Axis produces some hefty buzz that goes away abruptly when tone decays. None of that on the recordings.

It must be said that almost all demos have it set like a heavy-metal band would, which sounds awful. Few of them use it like did, although there are plenty of videos on "how to use a fuzz face Hendrix-style". Jimi

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Axis Fuzz (Roger Mayer) Questions,
Any magic in RM Axis bias system?
recommended Hfe's for RM Axis Fuzz??
Axis Fuzz (Roger Mayer) Questions,
RM Axis Fuzz Build Report,
RM Page-1 Schematic by analogguru on FSB,
RM Voodoo Axe Schematic on FSB,
Coda Effects,
Big Muff tonestack : dealing with mids frequencies,
Björn Juhl: About cables and the influence they have on outputs of fuzzes and guitar pick ups,
amzfx: AMZ Presence Control,
AMZ-FX Guitar Effects Blog: Buffers Before Fuzz,

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Update History
  • Apr. 28, 2022: major update
  • Apr. 14, 2022: first release
  • Nov. 30, 2013: preliminary version
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