Horseshoe Pickup Magnets using a magnetic base last update: July. 16, 2013 Copyright
2014-25 by H.
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STUFF>HORSESHOE Index ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What´s
Wrong With My Rick´s Pickup?
My 1940s Rickenbacker Bakelite lap steel (B8-model) is equipped with the then state-of-the-art pickup type with horseshoes. It had been dormant for a while and when I took it out of the box I was disappointed by its tone. Had the rick not always been one of my best sounding steels? I had no explanation for that except that memory does not serve very well particularly when it comes to remembering a certain tone. But it also seemed very low in volume and that I could not explain at all. It was unlikely that something was broken, in which case there would have been nothing coming out of the guitar. Was something deteriorated with time? Caps? Unlikely. Magnets? Never heard of it, that´s why they are called permanent magnets. I browsed the web and stumbled over it. Back To Index Permanent Is Relative To Time Little did I know that "permanent" is a relative term, it is relative to a certain time slot. Now by today´s perception of a magnet one would have expected that the permanence (or remanence in this case) was life long, and it is - but not our lifetime, rather the magnets´ lifetime. To cut it short, back in the 40ies there was no material known to have any magnetic remanence anywhere near today´s magnet materials. For the Rickenbacker horseshoes they uses cobalt steel which was steel doped with cobalt to give it better magnetic properties. Cobalt steel has a magnetic half time (the timespan during which it looses half of its magnetism) of 50 years so I read (this is disregarding any additional demagnetizing sources like the vicinity of other strong magnets [like a loudspeaker] or mechanical shock). My horseshoes would therefore have their best years long behind them and this became apparent just recently. However, the horseshoes left the factory totally nonmagnetic (with their domains randomly oriented) and were magnetized lateron. This procedere has, by the way, never changed even today for all magnetic materials. The upshot was, that my horseshoes had nearly lost their magnetic properties and needed remagnetizing. ![]() The "Official" Method - Using A Magneto Charger Some more investigation on the internet revealed that materials like that can successfully be (re-) magnetized if they are exposed to a strong external saturating field that aligns their magnetic domains evenly. This task is usually accomplished with a strong DC electro-magnet. That is the way it was done back then with very crude machinery such as this. Although soon much better magnetic material was found like Alnico, Rickenbacker seemed to adhere to their horseshoe models for another decade or so (probably because they had coined a legacy tone...). Later (much stronger) material cannot be magnetized with a simple electro magnet appliance. Those call for appliances that are more elaborate and potentially hazardous. Today those technically antique appliances are only used for remagnetizing magnetic devices made within a certain narrow time slot. Vintage cars used to have an ignition system consisting of an array of horseshoe magnets made of weak magnetic material that had to be recharged periodically, so some Bosch stations might still have them. A good magneto charger is available as D.I.Y. project by John Rex. A more contemporary approach may be pursued using the appliance shown by Rod Elliot. Let´s contemplate making one. ![]() Does Building A DC Magnet Charger Pay? A device like that has to fulfill a couple of requirements.
Despite its technical simplicity, all in
all a pretty costly device and very heavy, way
over the top for a single job. It is questionable
whether this effort pays for just remagnetizing
horseshoes. You can buy them, but buying a device
that can do this is not cheaper. So this
possibility phases out it you are not in the
business of re-magnetizing. Some aftermarket pickup makers like Lollar
and Rick Aiello still use those electro magnetic
devices and they do the job for you professionally
for moderate fees. So if you are in need, don´t
hesitate and save yourself a lot of potential
trouble. Later I found a Bosch car repair center
that still has a magneto charger, but I found a workaround. ![]() Using A Permanent Magnet That Can Be Switched Off (Magnetic Base) In the meantime I had explored other avenues... Where does magnetic flux come from?
Since today´s permanent magnets (made of
rare earth materials, such as Neodym), some guys
have arisen to the possibility of
"re-charging"horseshoes with other permanent
magnets. Denny
Turner from Hawaii has made a fine art out
of this and I am obliged to many thanks to him
for clarifying some stuff. Those magnets
produce way enough flux to saturate the wee old
cobalt-steel horseshoes. While this does basically work (the
horseshoe makes no distinction to where the
magnetic field comes from...), it bears some
potential pitfalls. Unlike an electro-magnet, the permanent
magnet always
has a field, it cannot be turned off. This means
that upon removal of the now remagnetized
horseshoes, some of the newly acquired remanence
might be removed again. At least, some domains
might be disturbed again if the two magnets were
not separated perpendicularly with great care,
which would cause an uneven magnetic flux density
through the strings and thus imbalance in the
picked up strings. So, the chance persists to make
some damage after the re-magetization
process. But wait - there are some permanent magnets you
can switch on and off - the magnetic
base! Since I have many of them in the work (they
use them on all sorts of positions on the lathe) I
borrowed the strongest looking one and made some
experiments with it. It appears that switching them gradually
off just gradually short-circuits the magnetic
field inside the iron yoke without making any
funny things with the external field (such as N/S
changes). I verified this with a compass needle. I removed the horsehoes from the guitar
according to the info on Rick
Aiello´s page (well known boutique winder
for steel guitars). They hardly picked up a
screwdriver. I put the horseshoes on the magnetic base
over night (side by side) after determining their
polarity with a compass needle and occasionally
gave them small blows with a hardwood dowel as
suggested on the site mentioned before. Although I cannot measure the strength of
the resulting (now hopefully permanent)
magnets, they appear comparably
much stronger now (attach well to my vise), so
there is no point of measuring this either. Back
in the guitar, this sounds like I remember it,
thundering and sweet. I observed no irregularities
in the magnetic field, such as an impaired string
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